Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh how I love TECHNOLOGY

I am so grateful for TECHNOLOGY! Since we have been away from home, we have relied so much on the computer to communicate! SKYPE is such a great blessing to me at this moment in time! Here are our adventures on SKYPE!

We were so excited when we got to talk to a few other people too!!

Technology is wonderful and we are so grateful for it!! Just another one of Heavenly Father's many blessings! Thank you!

Blessings: Health Care in Costa Rica

Brian and I are having so much fun here in Costa Rica. The week leading up to the big holiday of Semana Santa was pretty relaxing, not too much going on. Brian and I were able to have some fun. Brian has made some really nice friends: Alfredo, Luis, Tito, Roger and a few others who he likes to surf, play soccer on the beach and volleyball with.

So one day he went surfing and came back complaining that his leg was hurting just under his knee.

T: "ok well ice, elevate and relax."
B: "no, we are gonna play soccer."
T: "Ok, whatever."

The next day...
B: "My leg is killing me. Maybe I shouldn't surf today, but I really want to. I'm gonna go, but pad it with a ripped up shirt!"
T: "You are crazy!"

The next day...
B: "I can't really bend my knee and my leg looks a little swollen."
T: "Not sure what you want me to say."
B: "I'm ok! I'm gonna go play volleyball on the beach with the guys."

1 hr later...
B: "So I fell right on my leg and it hurts so bad I can barely walk!"

B: "My leg feels a little warm, can you feel it?"
T: "Holy heck! Your leg is on FIRE, your whole leg is so swollen and the bump is HUGE!"
B: "I'm ok!"

The next morning...
T: "Go to the Dr NOW"
B: "Ok"

So there I am, the day before BUSIEST week of the year for us, with a hotel full of people. I made breakfast for 30 people. I collected all the bills. I answered phones and worried all morning about how my poor husband is doing and which arm and leg he is going to trade for being seen by the Dr. After only a few hours, he returned with antibiotics in hand and NO BILL!! What?! He said he was seen very quickly by a local Dr., the office was so clean and they were so nice. He just has a small infection, but it will be just fine! Wow! What a blessing! Heavenly Father was really watching out for us! He is doing much better and his leg looks great! And even though he wasn't feeling his best, he helped a lot with the busiest week of the year! We survived and we are able to relax again!

Where to Begin?!

Since I have so much free time on my hands here in Costa Rica, I thought I would try blogging again! Here goes nothing...

We are here in Costa Rica taking care of a friend's hotel. We got here March 16th and will be here until July. We landed in San Jose and took a taxi to the Coca Cola bus station, only a few minutes away. We were told there would be some scary people there and to watch our bags, try to blend it and not look like a tourist. That is quite difficult when I have no idea where we are or where we are going, Brian speaks some Spanish, I speak NONE, we had 3 huge gigantic bags, a uke and 1 carry on bag! Yeah, we fit right in. The bus ride wasn't too bad, got to see some beautiful scenery!

We arrived at the hotel in about 2 and 1/2 hrs. It is a cute little place with 7 cottages. We are staying in the 7th, so there are only 6 for rent. There are 3 dogs and 1 cat on the property, who belong to the manager that we are filling in for. Although we are not animal people AT ALL and I'm very allergic to cats, it's not too bad and the dogs are super cute! I find myself talking baby talk to them and rubbing there bellies, which I never thought I'd do!

We have been so lucky with some of the guests who have stayed with us! It is so much fun to meet so many different people and just get to know them! We have made some really awesome friends in the month that we have been here! I hope to make more since we have a few more months to go. For the majority of the time, the beginning of the week is slower and the weekends are packed. In the beginning of the week Brian and I have a lot of time to ourselves! We have been playing lots of games, reading books, Brian is surfing and playing soccer and volleyball with everyone! We are having a blast for sure!

The down side to this is that I miss my family very much! I miss them EVERYDAY! I was hoping my mom, dad, Nui and London would be able to sneak over for a quick visit, but things are busy for them. I hope they will have time before we leave in July, but if not...we will survive! I hope! I get to skype my London everyday or every other day. Technology is so amazing! The things you can do. WOW! I'm so grateful for technology!

Brian's sister Jennifer and her husband Todd are for sure coming in May and we are so excited! We are hoping to spend some time touring around with them if the hotel isn't too busy. We will have to see. We hope Brian's grandparents, Dad and family from Wisconsin will be able to come also, but we aren't quite sure yet.

We are really missing my mother in law Elizabeth and wish she could come to visit too, but she is busy back home with her business. We are planning a trip to Guatemala on the way home in July to see their side of the family. I cannot wait for that! It's going to be so fun! I've never been there!